Integrity Gets it Done

Lao Tzu — ‘Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to.’

Yesterday I taught a Yoga4Change class to a group of military families and the theme I chose was Integrity.  Making what you think and do match.  Being honest with yourself.

When I’m teaching an asana class that’s a little tricky to lead.  I certainly don’t know if you choose one option of a pose over another because you’re being completely honest with yourself about your needs.  Or capabilities.  

Most often when I face this particular problem among students is when they say I need to do yoga (or boxing, or movement, or meditation) and then even though there are classes available to them almost 7-days a week…they don’t ever make it through the door.  Sign-ups without show-ups.  Free class offerings but the coupon goes unredeemed.  Doesn’t matter if the class is online, in-person, or hybrid.  Also never matters if they say I’m running late and I say show up anyway.  For these students we do almost anything we can to be available except actually just picking them up and dragging them to class.  

If you forget then it means you really don’t want to.  If you ask how to help sciatica, low back pain, constant illness, foggy brain, imbalance and then never act on the advice it means you don’t want to.  You don’t want health.  You don’t want vitality.  You don’t maybe think you deserve it?  

And that’s okay.  Everyone has to be somewhere along the journey.

But then there are the students who are so inspiring!  They make the time and commitment.  This is how they sound…

“I’m tired after traveling so I’ve been grabbing a glass of wine during the evening BUT I need to just move instead.”

“I need to meditate because as I nurse I know I can’t handle my job without it.”

“I know I’ll have to be a few minutes late but I need to get to class tonight, please save my spot!”

“My child (pet, husband, random stranger) is going to interrupt our zoom class but I have to spend this time for me.”

These are the students who show up in the rain, on the beach fighting heat & no-see-ums, without the usual clothes that make them feel ok to practice, on whatever towel they found half-clean, taking opportunity of Saturday AM class instead of their usual Monday 6pm, booking a private on a student’s budget because now they are committed to the time…

“Integrity is the seed for achievement. It is the principle that never fails” Earl Nightingale

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